Tuesday, May 25, 2010

My Mommy's Milk

Breastfeeding is going great and I've really come to appreciate and love the time i get to spend with my little girl. I always thought that after babies where born your body was done growing them...
it's amazing what breast milk can do!

I think it's wonderful the technology we have today that has come to produce formula but I've become a believer that there is something special in breast milk.

Every morning, so I don't leak all over myself and the bed, anywhere from 2-4am I pump those suckers! I now have a freezer full of breast milk and don't really have the need for it because Elsa and I are always together. I don't dare throw the yummy stuff away. So with my new found belief I decided to donate it!! Every baby deserves to partake in the rich mommy made nutrients and with some research I've been doing have realized there is a need. I know you're probably thinking... weird or a least that's what Blake thought. The milk bank pasteurizes (gets ride of any bacteria, just like they do with cow's milk) all the milk they get just right so all the good stuff remains. So really it's practically the same as drinking cow's milk and who knows how many cow teats you've been drinking from! Tag me and herd me into a corral. I think it's a great idea and they've never been sued for any milk they've given to a baby. That's a surprise in today's society. They also do blood work so they know you don't have anything you could pass on to babies.
Oprah has a neat story on her website about a women that donated her breast milk. I don't think I'll ever donate as much as her or ever get on Oprah but at least some babies can have the rich nutrients of a 2am pump.


  1. Wow I am impressed!! You know that if you suffer through a few wet nights. They will go away and you could be sleeping instead of pumping. Crazy girl. But I am glad you posted! I have been waiting :)

  2. Nice to know. You think somebody would have told me before now... I didn't even read that anywhere!
    The lactation consultant that i talk to about donating and told her why i was didn't even mention anything! Oh My Goodness! Now I feel like an idiot! LOL I have a cause now!

  3. Honestly I thought you were doing it at 2 am, just soo you would be able to have some to give away. I was putting you with saint hood. I was feelign a little selfish for really not wanting to pump. That is something that got old QUICK!!! In my book. But my understanding was your body adjusts to the amount you make. SOO if your baby ends up sleeping through the night your breasts will adjust and eventually not get so full at that time. But, there would be ample if a suprise wake up in the middle of the night occurred. I wouldn't feel like an idiot though. Pretty much I have learned if you don't ask the right question or even enough questions etc. the Dr., and whomever never seem to give you all the info. I don't think they mean to with hold it. I think it is just common knowledge to them and they forget that us none Dr. people just don't know!
