Monday, June 21, 2010

More talking and more cute pictures!!

Elsa is such a fun baby! We love to dress her up!
Her papa insist that we take a picture of her in all of her outfits, but I won't bore you with all of them. This is just one of papa's favorites.

We were just hanging out in bed after breakfast...

I can't get over how precious she is. She makes everyday a happy day!
It's so fun having a baby to cuddle and kiss on all day long!

Elsa loves to talk!!
Most of the time it's when she's just chillin' by herself.
It's so adorable!


  1. so I love the picture of her holding her blanket. That is oh so precious.

  2. I love how much hair she has! How fun! Also, her eyes are so beautiful! What a girl!
