Wednesday, January 26, 2011

On the MOVE!

Per request here is Elsa in her walker!
She really loves it and really loves all the treasures she can find by moving around and being at a great height to start opening drawers in the kitchen. Thank goodness the walker gets in the way to open cupboards. She also loves to look at her reflection in the dishwasher and oven. She favorite is helping mommie load the dishwasher or should I say unload the dishwasher, what I put in she pulls out. She also found out she can tip over the trash can, yippee. More work for papa. I think she'll be a great kitchen helper!

Elsa started talking her first crawls this week!!! It's so cute to see her concentrate on moving those little legs. 

New pictures of Elsa's little fangs.


  1. hahaha i love it. Her legs move so fast! She kinda looks like she is using a walker! She will be walking TOO soon!

  2. Wheres the post about her first phone call to Aunt MICAH :)

  3. Way cute!! Your place is perfect for a walker. No wonder she loves it. Oh I miss you guys

  4. So cute! I love her cheesy smile! Little girl is growing up so fast!

  5. Adorable. I love checking on Elsa's progress.
    We love you all
    Grandma T
