Saturday, December 4, 2010

Catching Up

Things have been super busy the last couple of weeks and blogging has not been a top priority. I never got around to post Elsa's eight month post so you'll get just a little one to catch up.

This is also mainly for Blake because I never got this video up and he is so proud of it!!
A familiar picture... papa in his chair... after a long hard day at school of course.
Elsa still loves to play and chill with him as he winds down from his day.
 Elsa is such a good sitter! She doesn't need anymore help.
Elsa loves to drink from cups... no matter how big they are and how wet she gets.


  1. She's a doll! I'm so glad we got to see you guys at Thanksgiving!

  2. I need to come visit my Elsa soon! She is missing me I can tell.
