Friday, August 13, 2010

Five Months

Time is flying by!
I almost don't like blogging anymore because it usually means its been another month.

3 out of the last 4 weeks have been in Missouri visiting family!!
I'll write more about our trip later, for now we'll highlight Elsa's five months!!

Elsa is growing so much! Her last check up she was 13 lbs and 26 inches long. The nurses and doctor were surprised how long she had grown, she was on the average track for her height but is now in the 95 percentile. Blake is excited and hoping she'll be tall like her papa, maybe she'll school him at basketball one day.

It's been so fun to watch her learn how to use her hands. Always grabbing at something or putting something in her mouth. Who knew fingers could taste so good, especially her thumb. She prefers it over her pacifier now. We are happy we wont have to turn the house upside down to look for it. Although we are pretty proud we've hung on to the original pacifier for the last 5 months.

Elsa keeps practicing her rolling skills. I don't know if we can claim that she has rolled over front to back by herself, only with a pretucked arm. She's pretty good at rolling from side to side on her back and can get herself spun around pretty quick. I'm convinced that she could roll to her tummy if she wanted but i don't think she would voluntarily.

For the most part Elsa is a good sleeper. At night she'll sleep for 8 hours, eat, then sleep for 4 more hours. Nap times are the hardest. She normally will take a good 3 hour nap in the middle of the day but with all the traveling and new places it keeps changing. So now that we are back home we are trying to get back into a routine that will keep her happy!

Life with Elsa is such a joy! I don't think Blake or I can imagine what is was like without her. She keeps us entertained all day with her smiles and giggles. After meeting Blake I thought I knew what love was but I never could imagine the love that would fill our home and our hearts with each special child.
I love being a mom!


  1. SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO darn cute! We miss you guys already! Thanks for spending time with us!

  2. Thanks for the update on Elsa. She is such a doll. I can't believe how much she has grown and look forward to meeting her in person :) I am sooo glad you do this blog. I feel like I can watch her grow without missing too much.
