Saturday, March 20, 2010

Baby Elsa is here!!

Saturday, March 13, 2010
8:00AM- Starting feeling contractions but I had a lot to eat the night before and thought maybe it was just stomach pains since they weren't very regular.

They kept getting worse...
Sat in the bath tub for awhile...
Timings, 6, 4, 2, 6, 2, 4... still irregular

10:00ish - Blake went to copy the sacrament program for me (that's my calling, Sacrament Program Specialist). I kept timing...4, 2, 3, 1, 4, still irregular but closer together.

11:00 - We decide to go to the hospital, pretty much because I didn't know what else to do and I was in pain. As I get out of bed I vomit, Blake put his years in sports to use and catches it with the trash can. Contractions become regular! 5 min apart!

11:30 We make it to the hospital!

The nurse checked me and I was 6 cm dilated and 75% effaced.
Normally they don't admit you until they've noticed progress after the first hour but in our case going from 0 cm to 6 over night was progress enough!

2:00PM - Finally got an IV in after a bazillion tries. Got an epidural! So with tingly legs in all we wait.
My doctor comes and breaks my water.

3:00PM - Nurse comes and checks again, 9 cm.
20 minutes later, 10 cm!
We are ready to push!!
Wait... where's the doctor?
20 minutes later he's here and ready...

3:45 One push from me and a pull from the doctor and out comes Elsa!

7lbs 9oz
18 inches
and a head full of hair!!
The most beautiful little girl ever!!


  1. Congrats guys!! She's beautiful!

  2. Thanks for sharing your birthing story! I love hear delivery stories! So fun and she is so beautiful... :)

