Sunday, January 29, 2012

Five & Twenty-two

Well... I'm not sure where to start since it's been so long.
At the beginning of months Five and Twenty-two we went to visit family in Missouri... unfortunately I've been awful at remembering to take pictures and only have three. I'm hoping somebody else did a better job and maybe I can steel some...
Elsa had a blast playing with Sawyer, Bella, Chloe, Pepper, Anna, and Adiline. Since we've been home she asks for one of them daily.
Little Blake loved meeting all of his aunts and uncles and especially his little boy cousins!
We went to visit Duncan! Look at our family grow!

The 15 hour drive home went by pretty smoothly. Elsa was a good sport and liked snuggling up to take a nap.

Baby Blake is getting so big! He is such a laid back little dude I sometimes forget he's here.

He's got Grandma Thackeray's tongue.

He's got the biggest smiles and shares them with everyone!

I love his laughs!!

Napping with daddy. He's such a good sleeper and all you have to do is give him his soft blanket and he's out.

Elsa is our little princess. She could watch princesses all day long if I let her. She loves necklaces, bracelets and shoes. She is such little girl and is already going through the mood swings!
One minute she's as happy as can be...
The next minute...
She is such a busy body. She wants to be everywhere and on everyone!
Say cheese!

 Everyday is fun with these two! I just hope I can be a good enough mother for them. They truly are such sweet babies and I know I couldn't thank God enough for sending them to our family and letting us raise them.


  1. Yay, Kindra! So happy to see an update! Elsa and little Blake are just adorable! We loved getting to spend time with all of you during Christmas! Little Blake is indeed the most content baby ever! Elsa is such a pretty little girl....hopefully we'll get to see you again before too long!

  2. Elsa is just acting older and older all the time! She is quiet the princess! And Blake Jr, i just haven't seen him enough. and I need to!!! He needs to figure out who is favorite aunt is from the start!

  3. Too cute!!! We love and miss you guys!! hey you change your settings. I wouldn't let us see the video. Said it was private????

  4. SOrry I always forget which privacy option to put it under in youtube. It should play now! Love ya!!
