Friday, March 12, 2010

Thanks Jeanne!!

Blake and I, in Nov, went to visit his family in North Carolina.
As I was there his mother, Jeanne, and I made a bunch of super cute
burp cloths. Now that Elsa's time is near and I realized that the only burp
cloths that I had were the ones that we had made. I could have just
bought some but that would have been too easy!!
And I needed something to occupy my time.

The ones on the top are the ones that Jeanne and I made.
We used terry cloth for the "burping" side for those.

The ones I made (on the bottom of picture)
I used flannel. Hopefully it will be just as absorbent!
I guess we'll find out!!
This is the website to get the pattern!
You can get 8 out of one yard, well technically 4 because
it's double sided.
Cute and Easy!!

1 comment:

  1. Very cute. Thanks for the link. I will make some as baby gifts for all my friends who are havin' babies! I am excited for Elsa... thinking about you guys everyday... wondering... and wondering and wondering if you are in labor! Yipee! Only a few days and she will be here! :)
